Friday, January 30, 2009

Low Gas Usage

One thing that I really love about being in St. George is that since it is a small town I don't have to drive a ton to get from one place to another. When I was in Provo I drove almost 15 miles to get to the kids' daycare and then about another 5-7 miles to get to school. Here, I drive about 4 miles to the kids daycare and then about a mile to get to work.

So what does this translate to? It means that in Provo, I had to fill up my car with gas about once a week after driving almost 400 miles per week. Here in St. George I have only filled up once so far and that was four weeks ago!!! My gas light just came on today. At this rate I will only have to fill up about once a month! I love it!!


Walker Family Adventures said...

Now just imagine if you had a hybrid like me! hahaha!