Thursday, December 4, 2008

Busy days....

I don't know if any of you have looked at my countdown over there to the right, but I only have two weeks until I graduate!!! That's crazy! So exciting. Along with it comes a jam packed end of the semester. This week has been the most chaotic of the whole semester. I had two huge presentations this week. Today alone I had three 75 minute classes, I also took a test between classes, finished up a big project and got it turned in, gave a presentation, and took a quiz. I didn't even eat anything until dinner time. I rushing all over the place today.

Tomorrow morning I am heading down to St. George with the kids to find a place to live. I have a few places lined up to look at. If everything goes well and the kids aren't too hyper then we might come back tomorrow night, otherwise we will stay at a hotel and come back on Saturday sometime.

Next week I have two big projects that are due and then the next week is finals. Then I am done!!! I will graduate and finally be done!!!!!!!!!!


TiAnn said...

That's super exciting Mike, way to go!

GiGi said...

What an exciting time! We are so happy and proud of you. Good luck finding a place to stay in St. George. Let me know when you will be coming up for Christmas!

Love you guys!

brent said...

I can't believe that I have to read your blog to see what you have been up to the last week or so. YOu muct have been really busy because we haven't even seen you.

Walker Family Adventures said...

Dear Brother Man,
I am sooo proud of you! You have done an amazing job at juggling so much this last semester! Can't wait to see what you accomplish next! Please tell us what your next goal will be so we can support you and cheer for you every step of the way! Kiss the babes for me and post pictures of them for heaven sake! :) Much love and a deep respect for all you have accomplished. I love you! Laura