Friday, November 7, 2008

Car Accident

Monday morning as I just left the house to take the kids to daycare and head to school, I was stopped at a stoplight and some guy rear ended me and pushed me into the car in front of me. The kids were startled and I had some whiplash but we ended up ok. We went to the hospital to be sure that we were ok. And, it turns out that the guy didn't have insurance.

So I get the joy of the whole mess of now having to take the guy to small claims court to get my money back. Luckily, I don't have to pay for everything, just my deductible and the cost of the rental car since I don't have that coverage on my insurance. So if anybody doesn't have car rental coverage, I would suggest getting it because uninsured/underinsured coverage only covers medical.

So I will go after this guy to get my money back and my insurance will go after him to get back everything that they have to pay out. I'm sure that the little bit of money that they guy saved by not paying for insurance was not worth the mess that he has now. When will those without insurance ever learn that it isn't worth the risk?